Slimming and cleansing smoothie


Anyone looking to lose weight through proper nutrition knows how difficult it is to diversify your diet, making it tasty and healthy. One of the most popular diet foods for weight loss is smoothies. This thick nourishing cocktail is full of vitamins and minerals, provides energy for the body, reduces appetite. Including it in the daily menu is the best way to diversify and make it tastier. And having chosen the right composition, you can use a smoothie to lose weight and cleanse your body.

Why smoothies are good for weight loss

Smoothies are the perfect dish for those who have an eye on their weight but want to eat deliciously. This is the name of cocktails made from fruits, vegetables, herbs blended in a blender. They are thick, nutritious and contain many beneficial trace elements. By choosing different ingredients, you can provide your body with the necessary vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. As several fruits are included in the cocktail at the same time, you get a healthy dish that replaces a full meal.

Smoothie saturates well, so it can be a great snack, allowing you to give up on harmful sweets and flours. It can be consumed for breakfast or even for dinner. Because cocktails contain vegetables and fruits, they are low in calories, with some having zero calories. They contain fiber, dietary fiber. Therefore, they cleanse the body and help to lose weight.

ATTENTION! The main advantage of this dish is that it is very easy to prepare: put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Beneficial Resources

Smoothies have been popular with healthy lifestyle fans for many years. After all, they allow for healthy yet tasty food. And this cocktail's ability to improve digestion and cleanse the intestines has made it a frequent item on weight-loss diets. Does not cause weight in the stomach, is quickly absorbed. A cleansing smoothie has the following benefits:

  • satiates, dulls hunger, avoids overeating;
  • the vegetable fiber in the composition activates the intestines;
  • removes toxins, toxins, uric acid;
  • prevents the formation of edema;
  • improves digestion and absorption of nutrients;
  • replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals, prevents the development of vitamin deficiency, anemia;
  • gives a charge of liveliness, increases efficiency, mental activity;
  • improves mood, helps deal with stress;
  • strengthens the immune system, increases the body's defenses.
benefits of smoothies for the body

Contraindications and damages

Only homemade cocktails are healthy. It is advisable to use them immediately, as after a few hours they contain much less useful trace elements. Smoothies sold in supermarkets or restaurants contain artificial preservatives, flavors and ingredients.

But even the healthiest cocktail, if used incorrectly, can be harmful. It is very important to select ingredients that do not cause allergies. Since bowel cleansing smoothies contain fresh fruits and vegetables, there are several other contraindications to their use:

  • chronic diseases of the pancreas;
  • peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis;
  • liver pathology;
  • bile duct disturbance;
  • intestinal problems.

ATTENTION! Even for a healthy person, a smoothie can be harmful if it's made from spoiled fruit, spoiled dairy, or stored unrefrigerated for longer than an hour.

Rules for Making Diet Cocktails

It is not enough to put various vegetables and fruits in a blender and mash them. Only a properly prepared cocktail will be useful to lose weight. Not all smoothies clean the body and help you lose weight. For example, a banana and milk dish would just be a delicious dessert. To make a smoothie suitable for weight loss, you need to follow a few rules:

  • use only fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • before putting in a blender, the fruits must be washed, dried, drops of water can make the dish watery;
  • it is advisable to grind all the ingredients first, remove the skin from some fruits (apples, pears, tomatoes);
  • it is not recommended to beat for a long time, as useful microelements will be destroyed, 1-2 minutes is sufficient;
  • add the liquid not all at once, but pour in gradually so that the cocktail is thick;
  • if the recipe contains only juicy fruits and berries, they can be pre-frozen.
making smoothies in a blender

Product selection

Smoothies are made from different ingredients. But not all can be used to make diet cocktails. In order for them to help you lose weight and clean your body, you need to choose the right composition.

  • One of the main components is the liquid. You can have kefir or plain yogurt with a 1% fat content. It is a source of proteins, calcium, bacteria that are good for the intestine. But most of the time, cleaning cocktails are made with mineral water, green tea or vegetable milk. You can also use juice, but not purchased, but freshly squeezed.
  • Smoothies are based on fruits or vegetables. To get many useful trace elements, but the drink was tasty, it is not recommended to take more than 2-3 fruits. Most of the time, apples, pears, pineapple, grapefruit, avocado, celery, cucumbers are used for weight loss. Vegetables are also added: spinach, parsley, dill, basil, mint.
  • To thicken, the banana is most often placed in a smoothie. But it's sweet and high in calories, so it's replaced with avocado in slimming dishes. You can also add oatmeal, bran, oatmeal, rice flour, sprouted grains, cottage cheese.
  • Various supplements increase the nutritional value. Flax or chia seeds will serve as a source of fatty acids. For sweetness, dried dates or apricots are added instead of sugar. Ginger and cinnamon enhance the fat-burning properties of the cocktail.

ATTENTION! It is not recommended to use milk, cream, ice cream, chocolate, condensed milk or sugar for these smoothies. From vegetable products, it is not desirable to take bananas, peaches, grapes, persimmons, sweet berries.

Reception characteristics

It is not enough to prepare this cocktail correctly. There are also certain rules for its use:

  • you need to prepare a smoothie before using it, it is advisable not to leave it for later;
  • the drink must be at room temperature, as too cold does not saturate;
  • for the dish to be better absorbed, it should be eaten in place of food or half an hour before, it is better to use a smoothie in the snack;
  • for breakfast, they make cocktails with oatmeal, bran and cottage cheese - they're hearty but easy to digest;
  • so you can use a smoothie at night, it's made without sugar, based on fermented dairy products, berries, it's good to add cinnamon and saffron.
green smoothie for weight loss

The best smoothie recipes for weight loss

There are many options for making these cocktails. But for them to improve digestion and help you lose weight, you need to choose the right ingredients. Therefore, it is recommended to use ready-made slimming recipes for weight loss first. They've been tested, so you need to keep proportions to make them tasty.

Fat Burning

In order for the cocktail to have fat burning properties, ingredients are added that speed up metabolic processes and break down fat deposits. This is pineapple, which contains the enzyme bromelain, grapefruit, which prevents the accumulation of fats, ginger, cinnamon.

  • The simplest cocktail is made with half a pineapple and grapefruit juice. You can add some ice cubes to thicken it.
  • Chop the cucumber, pear, celery stalk and place in a blender. Add half a cup of cranberries, a handful of spinach leaves, a tablespoon of grated ginger, beat everything.
  • 1 kiwi, cucumber, 150 g of pineapple pulp, pour over the juice of half a lemon, beat.
  • Green apple, 2 kiwis, a spoonful of grated ginger, pour the juice of 1 orange. You can add lemon juice or honey.

Detox Smoothie

Spinach and celery are specially added to the cleansing shake. They allow you to remove toxins, excess water from the body and regulate the balance between water and salt. Cucumbers, avocados and beets have cleaning properties. Berries and fruits with antioxidant properties are also added to these cocktails.

  • 1 large carrot, chop half of the beets finely or, better yet, rub. Add the minced garlic clove, the radish and a few sprigs of parsley.
  • 1 small beetroot, a handful of spinach, 1 green apple, 1 tsp. beat the grated ginger. Dilute with mineral water, add honey if desired. Serve with mint leaves.
  • Chop half avocado, 1 cucumber and celery stalk. Add water as needed.
  • 2 kiwi, 50 g of pineapple, cucumber, juice of half a lemon, chop until smooth.

with greens

Green smoothies work best for digestion, stimulating bowel movements. Leafy greens and vegetables contain chlorophyll, which improves intestinal microflora and increases hemoglobin levels. This cocktail should contain 40% vegetables. It is best to grind before putting in a blender.

  • Beat a glass of chopped spinach and a frozen banana with a glass of vegetable milk.
  • 1 banana, a handful of spinach leaves, beat the lemon juice. Dilute with still mineral water.
  • 1 apple, a celery stalk, some cabbage leaves and lettuce, dilute with apple juice, beat.
  • Cucumber, 2-3 stalks of celery, 50 g of dill, a spoonful of grated ginger, lemon juice. Add some water if necessary.

IMPORTANT! If spinach is included in the smoothie, you shouldn't eat it often as it contains oxalic acid.


For the preparation of such smoothies, cucumbers, carrots, celery, cabbage and tomatoes are used most often. It's best to use fresh vegetables, but you need a powerful blender to chop them up. Therefore, you can boil or bake the toughest ones beforehand. The vegetable smoothie turns out to be satisfying, normalizes digestion and is easy to digest.

  • 3-5 broccoli inflorescences, some cabbage leaves, a small sprig of dill, pour a glass of kefir and beat. Add spices to taste.
  • Chop 1 cucumber, avocado, 3-5 celery stalks. Add half a clove of garlic, juice of half a lemon and a handful of cilantro, beat.
  • 1 apple, juicy carrots, chop some celery stalks. Dilute with mineral water if necessary.
  • Tomato cocktail improves digestion. For 3 tomatoes, you need 1 carrot, 1 apple. Stir with half a teaspoon of oil before serving.
  • In a blender, blend 150 g of pumpkin pulp, pre-soaked dried apricots and a spoonful of grated ginger with 1 orange juice. Add honey if desired.
tomato smoothie for weight loss


A cocktail made only from fruit can be very high in calories. But if you choose the right ingredients, these smoothies can also be used to lose weight.

  • Disassemble 3 pitted tangerines. Add a cup of blueberries and a cup of low-fat yogurt and beat.
  • For breakfast, use an oatmeal smoothie. 2 tbsp. me. Pour half a glass of kefir. Grind the kiwi, banana and apple in a blender, add the flakes.
  • Beat the peach, banana, kiwi fruit and a glass of apple juice in a blender.

smoothie cleansing diets

There are many ways to lose weight with smoothies. For example, Yana Rudkovskaya's kefir diet for the first day only consists of one kefir. It is then mixed with herbs, fruits - that is, smoothies are prepared.

fast day

It's easier to make a smoothie on an empty stomach once a week. You only need to drink cocktails 5 to 6 times a day. It is recommended to arrange them thick and eat with a spoon, so there will be no hunger. An example menu for that day might look like this:

  • One apple, one cup of thick yogurt, one orange juice.
  • Mix 100 g of pineapple pulp, half a banana, half avocado in a blender. Add a teaspoon of grated ginger, a few sprigs of parsley and a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Half a cup of yogurt or kefir, 1 juicy carrot, half a banana.
  • Grind a pear and a cup of spinach leaves. Dilute to normal consistency with mineral water.
  • Chop some broccoli blossoms and an apple, dilute with lemon juice.
fast day for smoothies

three day diet

The most common weight loss smoothie diet lasts for 3 days. You only need to use smoothies 6 times a day. During this time, you can lose 3 kg of weight. Fruit cocktails are recommended to be consumed in the morning. It is allowed to add honey and oatmeal to them. In the afternoon, they eat vegetable cocktails, before going to bed - based on kefir. You need to eat smoothies with a spoon, slowly.

long term diet

The weeklong diet involves replacing 3 out of 5 meals with cocktails. You can lose 5-7 kg of excess weight. An approximate menu for the day might look like this:

  • smoothies with oat, fruit and honey, wholemeal bread;
  • 2 apples;
  • a cup of skim chicken broth, 100 g of cooked breast;
  • smoothies with berries and yogurt;
  • smoothie soup made from vegetables cooked in vegetable oil;
  • a glass of kefir.

Opinions on this weight loss

Cleansing smoothies quickly gained popularity among those looking to lose weight. Opinions about them are mostly positive, they note that it's easier to resist a diet with these cocktails.

Smoothies can be used to lose weight and cleanse the body. This dish improves digestion and intestinal function, reduces appetite. Short vitamin diets and fast days make it easy to lose a few pounds. And if you consume these cocktails daily in a glass, you can keep your weight within the normal range.